
Notice of Change in Water Rate

February 16, 2021

Dear Shareholders:

Due to a dramatic increase in SCE rates for electricity used to pump water throughout the community, and due to the annual increase in the cost of water purchased, the Board deemed it necessary to change the water usage rate. This increase in the water usage rate was calculated to ensure that cash reserves continue to be adequate.

At the February 16, 2021 Executive Board Meeting of Solano Verde Mutual Water Company, the Board passed the following motion:

Resolved, that the following Water Rates and Fees go into effect as of March 1, 2021, for March water usage, to be included on the billing which will be sent out April 1.

• Water Usage Rate will increase from $1,718 per acre foot to $1,795 per acre foot.
• Service Fee will remain at $170 per month.
• Litigation Expense, for water rights litigation costs, will remain at $40 per month.
• Reserve Fund, for capital improvements, will remain at $200 per month until adequate reserves are met.
• Repairs to the water system will be charged to shareholders, based upon water usage, to the extent they are due to through-put. This is to ensure repair expenses are equitably shared based upon actual usage.

Thank you,
Email: admin@svmwc.org